Our School

Welcome to Rowville Primary School. We strive to develop in students the core skills, capabilities and attitudes that will enable them to thrive today and in the future.
We offer programs that develop core skills in: Literacy; Numeracy; Science; Information Communication and Technology; and Cultural and Civic Literacy.
Through our research based instructional practices we build the core capabilities of: Critical Thinking; Problem Solving; Communication; and Collaboration.

We also strive to build the core attitudes of: Curiosity; Initiative; Persistence; Adaptability; Social and Cultural Awareness.
Explore our website to learn how we develop these core skills, capabilities and attitudes. Give us a call to arrange a personal tour to see us in action.

Our School Values

Our school is underpinned by our four values. This creates a foundation that enables us to strive for excellence. These values support the development of the whole child as a reflective learner and a good citizen.

We weave our core values into the fabric of school life. Our students use our values to make decisions and to make deliberate choices to focus on what is important to us as a school. Our values provide a mirror for decision making so that we shape students to thrive in the 21st Century.

It is through our common belief in our values that we create and enhance a positive culture amongst students, parents, and staff. Student achievement, engagement and wellbeing are our mission. We know each child by their name and believe that every face has a place in our school.

All members of the Rowville Primary School Community commit to living our values in our decision making and values.

School Culture

We build a positive school culture at Rowville Primary School where all members of our school feel valued and respected through our weekly assembly. Students, teachers and parents gather together to celebrate the learning that has occurred during the week.

Pro social behaviours are reaffirmed through our school oath at the beginning of our whole school assembly each week.

“I am proud to be Australian.

I enjoy the peace and freedom of my country.

I will obey the rules and laws of my country.

I will look after the world I live in by caring about the environment.

I will do my best to make this country great.”

Our sense of belonging to a school community is re-affirmed through the singing of the school song at the end of each assembly.

Our School Song

Rowville Primary School Song by Ron Pickett

In the foothills of the Dandenongs where the air is clean and free,
A lovely school lies nestled there, among the bush and tree.

Rowville is our name, friendship is our fame,
For the two-blue school is great, and a credit to our state.

We’ve sent our groups across the seas, to visit foreign lands,
Peace and hope and love to all, they’ve carried in their hands.

Rowville is our name, friendship is our fame,
For the two-blue school is great, and a credit to our state.

When we’re at school we play and work, to do our best each day,
To learn to grow, to grow to learn, in the true Australian way.

Rowville is our name, friendship is our fame,
For the two-blue school is great, and a credit to our state.

Rowville is our name, friendship is our fame,
For the two-blue school is great, and a credit to our state.