Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program

Each week in our Kitchen Garden Program our children discover the pleasure of hands-on food education.

The creation and care of a kitchen garden teaches children about our natural world, about its beauty and how to care for it, how best to use the resources we have, and an appreciation for how easy it is to bring joy and wellbeing into one’s life through growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing fresh seasonal produce.

During Garden Sessions the children work in our vegetable garden learning to grow and harvest a wide variety of vegetables, fruits and herbs.

Lead by our kitchen specialist the children prepare delicious fresh and healthy food from the seasonal garden produce they have grown. Through this program children have the opportunity to experience ingredients that they may not normally have been exposed potentially broadening their appreciation of food for life.

The program, integrates learning skills from across the curriculum including; personal and social development, communication, health and physical education, creative arts, science and sustainability and mathematics.


After preparing food in our kitchen many of our students are inspired to cook at home with their families. Some of our Recipes are available here and are published in our school’s weekly newsletter.

Our Kitchen Garden Program has been made possible as a result of a grant from the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation and the dedication of staff and parents at Rowville Primary School.